Lean Production
TPS House
November 19, 2021
TPS HouseThis simple house was used to visually describe the Toyota Production System. All other components were inherit to the system. Ex: Safety, Customer First, Heijunka (Leveled production), etc. All other versions of the TPS house should be used to clarify your understanding. Based on our experience we have added details, which you might find useful.Continuing with the symbolism of the house we have 5 components of the house.I. FoundationalII. Jidoka WallsIII. JIT WallsIV. Customer Satisfac...
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Becoming a Lean Enterprise
November 26, 2021
Leading to LeanThe process toward becoming a Lean Enterprise proceeds on three levels through a similar sequence of activities following the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle. The first level is strategic, or company-wide. The second level is plant or location oriented. The third level is process-specific within a location. At each level, an important activity to facilitate planning is to define the current condition with data - establish a measurable baseline for improvement. Steps for the Development...
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Types of Waste
November 26, 2021
 1. Waste from Overproduction • This creates more products than needed at a point in time. • Often it is caused by fear of running out. • However, producing more than "just enough" or "just-in-time" inventory drives up the costs of inventory and results in scrap if demand does not equal supply ¡ª wasting all the value if the excess products must be scrapped or sold at a loss. • Often considered the worst of the seven wastes because it encompasses t...
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