Jidoka/Poka-Yoke/Standard Work
Poka Yoke or Error Proofing
November 18, 2021
Poka Yoke / Pokayoke / Error Proofing What It Is Poke Yoke or mistake proofing means taking steps to ensure errors or abnormalities can't occur. It can involve using checklists, quality checks, part or tool design, machine modification, setting tolerance limits and so forth. There are three types of Pokayoke: 1 - Contact type: The use of shape, dimensions or other physical properties to detect the contact or non-contact of a particular feature.  e.g, Things only fitting one way 2 - Constant...
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Poka-Yoke: Work Instructions for Mistake Proofing
November 18, 2021
By Kiran WalimbeHow Mistake Proof Are Your Processes?Poka Yoke, also called mistake proofing, is a simple method to prevent defects from occurring in your business processes. Learn from these three poka yoke examples. It was a Japanese manufacturing engineer named Shigeo Shingo who developed the concept that revolutionized the quality profession in Japan. Originally called "fool proofing" and later changed to "mistake proofing" and "fail safing" so employees weren't...
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How to Calculate Standard Work in Process (SWIP) Quantity£¿
December 23, 2021
By Jon MillerRon Pereira of the Lean Six Sigma Academy blog started the discussion on Standard Work earlier this week, and I would like to pick up where he left off.Standard Work is one of the more misunderstood concepts in Lean manufacturing. It is neither standardization nor work standards. You can learn more about Standard Work in the Gemba blog if you are new to Standard Work.There are three elements to Standard Work. Takt time is a fundamental concept of Lean manufacturing that is widely un...
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