Kaizen/5S/Visual Control/IE
Kaizen ¨C Continuous Improvement Phase
December 01, 2021
Kaizen is the phase where the continuous improvement activities will take place. When we say "Kaizen" we don't mean just improvement workshops or quick hit improvement teams - The meaning is taken from the Japanese words kai and zen where kai means change and zen means good. The popular meaning is continual improvement of all areas of a company not just quality or performance. This is the phase where real changes will be made, from cultural changes and partnership processes through the...
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5S Workplace Organization
December 01, 2021
5S is in place in ALL world class organizations It aims to:• Remove waste from the workplace. • Provide reduction in non value added activities. • Provide an environment where continuous improvement is embraced. • Improve safety. • Increase quality. Fig 1. 5S Workplace organizationStep 1 (Seiri) - Clearout and Classify Identify what you KNOW you definitely need all the time. what you KNOW you definitely need occasionally. what you THINK you might need in the future....
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What is Visual Control£¿
December 09, 2021
From Wikipedia Visual control is a technique employed in many places and contexts whereby control of an activity or process is made easier or more effective by deliberate use of visual signals. These signals can be of many forms, from different colored clothing for different teams, to focusing measures upon the size of the problem and not the size of the activity, to kanban and heijunka boxes and many other diverse examples.Visual control communicates very effectively the information needed for ...
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