TPM/TQM/Value Stream Mapping
TPM Implementation Steps
November 23, 2021
Preparatory StageStep 1: Announcement of TPM • Proper understanding, commitment and active involvement of the top management in needed for TPM implementation. • Top management needs to create an environment that will support the introduction of TPM. • Without the support of management, skepticism and resistance will kill the initiative. • Top management should have awareness programs, after which announcement is made to all. • Publish it in the house magazine and pu...
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Value Stream Mapping VSM
November 23, 2021
Definitions Value Stream • A value stream is the sequence of steps required to satisfy a need (typically, a good or service).• The Enterprise Value Streams Categories:  Demand (where the need for a good or service is created);  Delivery (where this need is satisfied);  Development (where this need is turned into a robust design); and,   Support (the internal processes required to allow the first three streams to effectively function).Value Stream Mapping VSM ̶...
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Preventive Maintenance
December 05, 2021
By Oskar OlofssonSometimes called ˇ°Preventative Maintenanceˇ±, a Preventive Maintenance program tries to maximize equipment availability and minimize product defects by taking care of the equipment before the problems arise.Fig 1. Maintenance StrategyThe costs of preventive maintenance include:• Labor costs to plan and manage the schedule• Labor costs to perform the maintenance• Machine downtime while maintenance is performed: loss of production and idled workers• Cost of ...
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