Foundation for Excellence
We are determined to achieve EXCELLENCE in everything we do. Our future success depends on uncompromising adherence to our vision and the absolutes of EXCELLENCE.

Excellence in our Workplace
RIBO is committed to fostering a workplace that is safe, professional, and that values teamwork, merit, diversity and trust. Hostility, harassment, unwelcome sexual advances and other unprofessional conduct are wrong and undermine what we strive to achieve.

Harassment-free Workplace
Discriminatory conduct, jokes, slurs or other remarks that create an offensive or hostile environment undermine the workplace. This kind of behavior has no place in any location where RIBO conducts business. Similarly, implicit or explicit threats, intimidation and violence will not be allowed. This policy specifically prohibits sexual harassment, which includes:
• unwelcome sexual advances;
• requests for sexual favors; and
• verbal remarks or physical contact of an intimate or sexual nature that interfere with another person's work performance or that    create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Excellence in our Business
RIBO seeks to create value by working hard to achieve superior financial results. In pursuing this goal, RIBO employees will be forthright in measuring and reporting our financial performance, protecting company assets and resources, and never engaging in insider trading.

Excellence in the Marketplace
In all our business dealings, RIBO strives to be honest and fair. We will compete vigorously, and fairly comply with all laws that protect competition and the integrity of the marketplace. To help ensure our success, each employee will avoid conflicts of interest that could undermine objectivity toward the Company. Our customers' interests always come first. We are committed to products, services, business practices and an attitude that creates customer delight.

Excellence in Society and Our Communities
We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of conduct relative to our broadest corporate responsibilities to society as a whole. We will strive to build and maintain effective relationships with the communities and institutions with which we interact.

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