Education and Training
The Value of Training
The key to effective staff training is to identify the principal duties of the staff members themselves, and to ensure that they are aware of their individual roles and responsibilities. Beyond that, a regular scheduled session should be put in place that not only addresses current responsibilities, but also acknowledges that all staff should be interested in developing their own skills and understanding the importance of their role in the business. "Innovative, People-oriented, Reliable, Results-focused, Cooperative and Partnership", these are the values that RIBO lives by. In order to reach these values and objectives, RIBO is making every endeavor to train all the staff in the following aspects.

Responsible production teams
This policy is based on both employee empowerment and developing the skills of all employees, from management to operators.
The Employee Empowerment initiative forms the basis of the RIBO Excellence System (RES). This helps to improve performance
and working conditions at the Group's manufacturing sites. The production sites are organized into four hierarchical levels with autonomous production teams called GAPs, each of which has a GAP leader. The first level of management is fulfilled by the Supervisors. Their teams are relatively small to ensure that they are able to manage and help employees understand what is expected in terms of quality and throughput, to carry out their work correctly and achieve performance objectives. In this respect, the stability and progress of the production teams are a key factor in overall site performance, particularly during launch phases.
To this end, RIBO has put the emphasis on training plans implemented by the site management. The aim is to ensure that training aligns with the priorities of each plant and benefits the employees' advancement in an efficient manner.

Promoting staff
Within the scope of promoting staff, personnel development prepares selected employees for possible management duties or larger project tasks.

- Evaluating our own potential and development goals
- Confident presentations and communication
- Structuring and implementing a project
- Becoming sensitive to the specifics of cooperating in an international context
- Getting to know RIBO better
- Becoming known in the company and building up a personal network of contacts

Management development
RIBO has defined uniform standards for management development and implemented key measures using RIBO management development. Management development combines all tools from RIBO's management culture and develops competencies for
up-to-date, future-oriented leadership.

- Encouraging a mutual understanding of future challenges and strategies
- Creating a uniform value system for management on key leadership topics, and developing a uniform language
- Creating a mutual understanding of RIBO's culture
- Creating global networks and encouraging team spirit
- Offering systematic continuing education opportunities for RIBO management

Individual continuing education
RIBO's seminar and course program offers a wide range of training in the following topics:
- Communication, methodology and cooperation
- Technical topics
- Quality and working methods/project management
- Commercial topics
- Data processing
- Languages
- Cultures
- Management and personality

Time off for study
Outside working hours, all the staff can expand their horizons and establish contacts with other divisions at various informational events and within the scope of a wide range of "time off for training" offerings. All employees are welcome to attend the many events outside working hours. Similar to the seminar and course program, the spectrum of topics covers many possibilities for continuing education in the areas of data processing, languages and other fields.

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